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Top 10 tips to Stay Cool at Night.

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We have all been there. It’s the last day of summer and we just want to chill out, have a good time, and go home. That feeling is absolutely intoxicating. You love your friends and family and you can literally feel everyone else in your presence. A lot of the people who have never seen an episode of Game Of Thrones will tell you how much they really liked it, how much they wanted to get it but couldn’t figure it out. People are really shy around nightlife, so here’s some tips to make sure you don’t regret being born today.


1. Leave the social media

Don’t talk about anything at all. Especially on social media. Social media is full of drama and everything is going wrong. If something happens at work that makes you feel insecure or if your kids make you feel like crap then there’s a chance they’ll start talking to each other about whatever stupid things. And people will probably ask you questions about them as well. So try not to bring up anything new or interesting, especially when it comes to social media because some people might see it as your way of trying to prove some kind of superiority. They might think that you’re trying to embarrass them because all you want to do is spend time with someone who knows what they’re doing and doesn’t care.


2. Don’t tell your night plans until the next day

Try not to tell anyone about your date . Make yourself sound smart and know how you’re doing. I guarantee people will know where you are from. The only thing worse than showing them the details of your trip is having to lie and say “well, I’m on vacation” or “I’ll still be back tomorrow.” Which of these two do you want? Because the main thing to remember when you’re going somewhere is to say “I’m not going.” So you might as well take a few days off and see what happens. On the other hand, if you’re meeting someone from another country for business you may need to show them pictures to make sure they aren’t lying to you. You have two options, either tell them you are fine or tell them one of your kids came into the room and started asking questions until you couldn’t keep up with their bullshit. Either option is unacceptable and it would put more people who are interested in knowing what your relationship is into doubt if you told me you didn’t like the look of my makeup.

Plus everyone has an opinion, so make sure to read it before you try to explain it as well. Not everyone likes it when you say something you like but, if you don’t say it in person you might forget to say it when you see them again. Like for example, if you’re planning to hang out with three random guys then you should definitely tell me right now about what your plan is after a few seconds. You’re looking forward to it, but I can tell you you’re going to end up thinking about the three guys for weeks afterward.


3. Watch movies

Watch movies that are released after Halloween to avoid crowds. There are quite a few great ones being made which will take place in October of this year. Or even better if you’ve gone through any terrible experiences and come up with funny movie ideas, then go ahead and create those ones. Also, give them some money, you want to use up the free food and drinks tickets and then the movie rental fees, so a couple of bucks every month, will help a whole lot. Just watch the movies from memory for the next year to find your favorite ones to watch. I didn’t realize how big that part was until I saw it by myself. Even though I’m watching Twilight myself, I did mention that it’ll be the first film that I watch when the weather warms up a bit more and I can finally get enough sleep.


4. Heading out on dates with special one

When heading out on dates it doesn’t matter how far you go. Go out in public and get yourself together. This will make sure that you and your partner look presentable together. No matter if you’re hanging out with strangers, you don’t want to seem overly dramatic. Just like the scene when Catherine Keener from Parks & Recreation gets naked. She’s happy and then the camera focuses on the little green bikini that she had on in order to look sexy. My advice for dating is always keep it safe. You don’t want to show someone your body so you won’t go there and talk about what happened.


5. Ask for recommendations in Malls

If you need a ride or just want to get some flowers then you don’t have to worry about the location. Just do it! If you want to buy this shirt, ask whoever.


6. Just don’t tell about your dates

Forget telling anyone how many dates you have, just let people find out for themselves. Whether you’re wearing jeans or a dress, make sure to change the clothes at least once every five days and also the shoes.


7. Don’t tired yourself too much

Say you’re tired just like Jane did in Psycho. But you won’t even care if people find out. Everyone really wants to date and feel pretty, so don’t take the energy away from them.


8. Let people know you aren’t going somewhere

Sometimes you want to go somewhere but they don’t want to leave the house. But you don’t have too, so let them know you’re staying home.


9. Be cool to people, even if they’re older.

Some people are actually nice when you’re young. When I was 20 years old I dated a 28 year old woman. She ended up breaking up with me because of some stupid reason and told me that she liked her boyfriend too much. She was still very beautiful and I wasn’t scared to tell anyone about her because I knew it wouldn’t hurt her. One time I wanted to go on a date with this guy. He’s 35 years old but he looks 25. So I asked him out and it went extremely well. After three months of dating and everything was going good, I decided that I just needed some space. I called his mother and said that he didn’t have kids, he didn’t have a girlfriend and he doesn’t have money. In reality, she was the complete opposite. He said that I can stay over tonight and talk all night and he’d still want to hang out with me.


10. Always get involved.

Yes, people want to have fun with you but sometimes it does nothing but to make you unhappy. So don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself. Just get to where you need to be. Get your stuff together and go out for some dinner. It’s more important for your mental health than your physical health and you can’t judge someone who’s having a hard time than you can if someone’s not experiencing anxiety or depression.

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